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Our Program


针对 3 至 6 岁儿童的蒙台梭利小学课程让孩子们有机会通过实际生活、学术工作以及社交和情感体验来建立自信、专注和自我认同。


Azalea Grows outdoor program

One of our unique program offerings is our Azalea Grows program. Every three weeks a group of children will spend Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday mornings outside. They may study plants, make art, cook with food harvested from the garden, and feed the chickens. One third of the class goes each week, giving each child an opportunity to connect with the outdoors in a small group.


We go outside for at least a short period of time if the temperature is above 25 degrees and below 90. We provide rain suits and boots for puddle-filled adventures, provided it's not a torrential downpour and there is no lightning! Our goal is to have the children enjoy their time outdoors, so in truly inclement weather we adapt our activities for indoors. 

We have limited availability in our Azalea Grows program as standalone enrollment. If you are interested in the option of having your child join us every Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday morning without signing up for our Montessori education program, please contact us.

After-school Program

We offer an after-school program daily from 3:00 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. This is a more traditional program that offers children the opportunity to make crafts, work on cooking projects, read, explore themed activities, and engage in imaginary play. Typically, our enrollment allows for full-time, part-time, or as-needed participation.


The goal of early childhood education should be to activate the child’s own natural desire to learn.

- Dr. Maria Montessori


Azalea Montessori School

1759 Mills Avenue

Norwood , Ohio 45212

<<SCHOOL NAME>> 是一个非营利组织,不因种族、肤色、民族或族裔、信仰、宗教、性别、残疾、年龄、婚姻状况、性取向或在公共援助方面的地位而存在歧视。此外,<<SCHOOL NAME>> 承认任何种族、肤色、民族和民族血统的学生享有学校通常授予或提供给学生的所有权利、特权、计划和活动。它在其教育政策、招生政策、奖学金和贷款计划以及体育和其他学校管理的计划的管理中不存在种族、肤色、民族和民族血统的歧视。

<<SCHOOL>> 是一个非营利 501(c)(3) 组织

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